Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 Isolation and age are taking their toll.  The cold and damp has been rampant, criticial house repairs go neglected due to scarcity of funds-any trip in the aging vehicle is precluded by a prayer to make it out and back safely, the long dark months loom in the knowledge most days will be a celecbration if it doesn't snow and the house is above 50F.

Aquaintances are just as likely to be seen in the local obituaries as run into accidentally on the rare outing.

The governement has finally showed its priorities-enriching the select few and subjecting the poor and disenfranchized to struggle on a daily basis.

No one appears to be concerned with the well being of others-a pervasive greed and narcissism runs like wildfire across the world.

The leaders are all CYA'in it-true leaders are impossible to find.  Either they are rich looking out for their own interest, or they are wanna be rich and taking their cues from the obscenely wealthy.

Any voice of reason is ignored

There was a moment in the last debate where Biden said something along the lines of "you all in your living rooms" and Trump scoffed and said that was just political talk-in other words, Biden doesn't care anymore about you in your living rooms than I do.

For what it is worth I have already voted, the sole reason to cancel out one vote for the narcissist currently in power.

I wish Bernie had run on a different ticket.  I am not thrilled about the Biden Harris ticket in the least. 

My town was under Republican leadership for several years-huge bonds for infrastructure raised our taxes, contracts gone out to people who padded the bills and did half assed work.  Dems came in power and excused the poor work and showered town employees with raises, ergonomic chairs, and reduced hours.

I put a little sign in my kitchen a few weeks ago:  "Focus on Good".  It is a lot harder than it sounds.  Most days the good is that it could be worse.  

And considering that my mother often said "it's going to get worse before it gets better" just rubs salt in the wounds. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Third week of October