Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Friday, February 9, 2024
Do you remember?
I used to have an amazing memory. I could recall conversations word for word. I recently started listening to the radio again, and I amaze myself with the amount of lyrics I know without making any attempt to learn them.
Now I am in my 60's, my brain is full of information. Since I have suffered several concussions, smoke and used to drink, probably some of that gray matter is no longer functioning.
I can't begin to imagine how much information is in President Biden's brain after a lifetime in politics. When I look back at my life, I have certain marks that I count off to figure what year something happened.I know that my mother died very close to when my daughter was born (2001 that's an easy number to recall) but I have to really think about if she died in 01, 02 or even 00.
Once I got my boys' birthday years scrambled and the reaction from the oldest was enough to make sure I was right before I ever opened my mouth about THAT again.
The latest headline today about Biden saying one country's president's name when speaking about a different country doesn't tell me that he is incompetent. It tells me that Mexico is on his mind (the president whom he named in error).
On the other hand, the way I read Art 14 is that Trump should not be on the ballot, and that Congress may with 2/3 majority over ride that. Not that it is up to Congress to remove him.
But, despite not great primary results, I think Biden would be in trouble if Haley was the Republican nominee. I think Trump supporters would vote for her in the end, and that she would appeal to women an minorities more so than Biden.
I think it is sad that so many support Trump. His many crimes and behavior should embarrass Americans. After his four years, the country has seen an increase in violence, racism, and, in general, hate for anyone not white bread. I think his actions contributed to what is happening in Ukraine (he worshiped at the feet of Putin) AND Gaza-making Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel.
He continually tried to provoke China during the COVID epidemic. And thought injecting bleach might treat COVID. I mean, seriously. Yet the news is all a fire because Biden had difficulty recalling years that a specific event occurred?
Big deal.