Saturday, June 6, 2015


Really I think it counts as 668.

After a brutal winter, May flew by, all the flowers hurrying along, racing each other to see who gets flowered first.

The dandelions are now just white ping pong balls of seedheads.  The honeysuckle bush, so overladen with blooms a few days ago, now fading.  Lilacs have peaked.   Bleeding Heart gone by.  Columbine and german Iris in full bloom.  Rocket just starting to open.  Poppies and Siberian Iris on deck.  Ajuga in full bloom.  Basswood blooming, Oak trees have dropped their tassles.

A few days of almost 90's and now frost warnings.

Congrats to the Firebird, graduated from high school with honors and accolades, heading off to college in a few  weeks.

Happy June.

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