Sunday, September 24, 2017


I dream a lot, every night.  I am not sure what is meant by different sleep cycles, because as soon as I drift off I am dreaming.

I dream in color.  I usually don't remember my dreams and the best I can do is feel them at the fringes of my awake state.  The more I try and grab them and bring them closer for inspection, the faster they fade.

It's like trying to pick a piece of eggshell out of the bowl of eggs.  Some unseen force just keeps pushing it further away.

The other night I had a dream I remembered.  Just a very short one.  The dreams that seem to be easiest to recall are the ones that suprise me enough to shock me to wakefulness.

I was on the banks of a shallow rock strewm river, looking diagonally across.  On the other side there was a grassy patch under some large trees, and a man and woman sat there on a blanket, perhaps having a picnic or sharing a bottle of wine.

The man became aware of my presence and stood up and starting walking towards me.  I say walking, but it was a loose, swinging dipping gait.  The epitome of cool.  He was familair to me, and I thought in my dream that only he could move like that and still look amazing.

He entered the water and waded directly towards me, splashing his arms and dipping his head like an otter or dolphin.

I was some kind of observer-I was watching through a lens, or perhaps I was a lens, because I had no feeling of an actual body.  But somehow he had recognized my presence, and made straight towards me, perhaps showing off in his movement like a water loving dog expressing his joy in the cool water.

His smiling face came extremely close, like someone peering into a camera lens, and I woke up.