Monday, May 25, 2020


Well that seems like a harsh title.  But, I had to make a run to the local grocery store today, and didn't get there until after 12.  The parking lot was about half full and I didn't have to wait in line.

However, I was extremely aggravated to note that about half the customers were not wearing any face coverings.  One couple in the produce section was opening pre bagged cherries and putting them in a produce bag to buy a lesser amount since they were @\$2.99/lb and the bags were rather large.

However, since neither were wearing masks and the man was handling bags of cherries-there are signs thougghout the store not to touch things unnecessarily-I shot them a dirty look on the way by,  When I circled back around, the produce bag with the cherries was sitting on top of the other cherries.  Perhaps a store worker had caught them or they changed their minds_

They weren't the only ones I saw without face coverings.  The store did have boxes of ten disposable masks for $9.99/box right next to gloves, so there are choices available.

But it seems as though this has turned into a political statement led by our esteemed leader, and it's tragic. 

The TV is full of segments featuring people scoffing the recommendations, instead of focusing on people that think the rest are idiots.  The local paper has letters to the editor of people commenting on the non mask wearers and complaints of being coughed at. 

 I saw headlines of a recent Harris poll that showed over 90% of people thought it was too soon to re-open.

Maine had it's lowest in several week new case report of 17 -but I only have to think of my 90 year old something neighbor who hasn't been able to visit his wife in the local nursing home since March.

Most of the outbreaks in nursing homes have been brought in by staff who have picked it up in the community, and to see selfish people waltzing around the grocery store without a face covering really fries my cookies. 

But when the news covers store security getting shot and killed for trying to enforce mask wearing, what store wants to require it and what police department wants to enforce it ?  Especially when you have DOJ and the esteemed leader threatening legal repercussions if they do.

 God save the weak and vulnerable. Set an example and cover your mouth and nose in public.  Thanks!

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