Monday, May 4, 2020

Propaganda or stupidity

I have a scientific mind.  I ask a lot of questions and gather a lot of information then run scenarios out in my mind before I come to conclusions.  People such as my family get mad when I ask their opinions, because they say I don't do what they recommend. 

That is because I am info gathering and inputting that information.  Often I have already run that "data" or can see immediately that it would lead to a less desirable result. 

I am not always right, but any means.  Sometimes I am way off.  Part of that is due to false information input.  That is why I hate liars.  One bit of false information can make it impossible to come to a correct conclusion.  Liars do not want you to know the truth, so they feed you false information. 

Sometimes the "data" is corrupted because the incorrect information you are given is made up out of ignorance-they have come to incorrect opinions but due to ego announce falsehoods as facts.

Take the US response to COVID19 for example.  I am sick and tired of all the lies and BS

On January 22 I texted a relative who has spent almost 50 years working in various capacities at one of the nations most re known hospitals. I had been watching the regular over-the-air news and was getting very disturbed about the new virus. My concern came from information I was receiving that was readily available to the US population.

January 22,2020 7:04 pm EST

Me:  "Should we be worried about the new virus?"

7:10 pm EST

Them:  " Not really.  They are screening at the big airports.  3 cases in USA all isolated.  It's a Virus like a Cold similar to the SARS and MERS virus of years past.  Those never really took hold in America especially after it was recognized and screened for"

I followed with additional texts about the dangers of virus that mutate from animal to human, referring to the ones they mentioned as well as swine flu.  I looked up the research on COVID 19 and linked a Scientific American article that suggested the genetic material looked like the virus went from bats to snakes to humans.

Last text exchange 8:08 Thanking me for the link.

Several hours later they were on their way home from work and were at a stop sign.  Someone hit them head on.  The person got out of their vehicle and walked away, right by them pinned and bleeding in their destroyed car.

The relative was able to call 911 and spent several weeks recovering from airbag and seat belt injuries.  Their car was totalled.

A week later, on January 29, I went to a local drug store and bought a box of ten surgical type masks for $18.  I handed them out to my kids and urged them to order more.  My daughter ordered a box of 50 simple procedure masks.

Where am I going with this story?

1. On Jan 22 the US had 3 cases and were supposed to be screening at "major airports"

(after that date, someone flew into Logan with symptoms and was not identified as positive for 48 hours while they traveled around Boston area, Nevermind how many travelers used that plane in the meantime)

2.  It was common knowledge it was a respiratory virus transmitted via airborne particles, yet it took THREE full months before the CDC and local governments started recommending the wearing of masks. in fact, we were told NOT to wear masks and I was too intimidated to wear the ones I had bought when out in public.  Eventually (weeks later) I would see one or two people wearing masks and began to wear mine.

3.  In the meantime we have been ordered to stay at home (with a few exceptions) and wash our hands.  It has cost trillions of dollars-taxpayer dollars, will be the end of many businesses, and has the country on the edge of rebellion.

A lot of people (including the VP) still believe there is no reason to wear a mask.

To my mind, if in addition to washing hands, from the beginning, if everyone was required to wear masks in public or group settings, with temperature screenings before entering any public building, we might have averted the shutdown of the country

Remember the relatives initial response on 1/22 that SARS and MERS were stopped as a result of SCREENING.

My state's criteria for testing has been very stringent, over 65, or in critical care.  Doctors simply would not test, and if they did, first they would test for the flu.  So an average person would have to not only pay for the doctor's visit (and or co-pay with their lousy insurance if they had any) but flu testing, all the while moving about unmasked in the general public and doctor's offices. 

To those of you who feel mask wearing impinges on your constitutional right, what about wearing underwear or coverings on your bottom?  Why do you think THAT is mandatory?  Why do you think washing your hands after going to the bathroom is so important, or treating human waste, or burying people 6 feet deep?

I think one change that should come out of this is that schools need to be teaching sanitation and microbiology from the time children enter public education.

When you see what happens to a dish of blood agar (think jello made from blood) that has been scratched with a wire contaminated with Strep or Staph and then kept warm for three days, you will live your whole life differently.

And everyone in the World will be a lot safer and happier.  THAT is our constitutional right!

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