Friday, June 14, 2024

Anita TItle

 Nod to my old pals in the band Liquid Daydream for the title. Looking back now, I am not sure if they ever had a song named that, or if that is just something they would say when trying to figure out what song to play next. Now I feel like an idiot for saying, "play Anita Title". LOL. "I LOVE that song."

I was going to post a photo of my secret garden, but it's not there on my desktop. I was pretty sure I downloaded it there the other day. I guess it is going to remain a secret.

I am kind of groggy, the sun and somewhat warm weather has reinvigorated the night owl in me. Alas, I am in the process of corralling and taming feral kittens. The two I have managed to snatch wake up at the crack of dawn and have the energy of feral kittens. So I rolled over and turned on the security cam and there is feral Momma on the back deck. She showed up with the other two kittens last night, and they have gotten very wild in the meantime. So I got up and put out a dish of kitten chow for her, and sure enough the two appeared and started playing around her. 


My plan is to get them tame with food. Mama, whom I have been calling Pity, originally took off like a rocket when I opened the back door. I am guessing she started appearing about the time the kittens were born. After weeks of feeding her, I have her to the point where she only retreats twenty feet. last night when the kittens were out there, she was within six feet.

Through the years I have adopted ferals and made them housecats, and taken many kittens and Mommas after taming to the County no kill shelter. I thought that was the end with the last batch two summers ago, but of course I saw tracks in the snow coming to the old feed station, and started putting food out for a battered Tom this winter. Sucker.

I believe it all started with my obnoxious neighbor who doesn't believe in spaying cats, and has a farm with barn. On a road with other farms and outbuildings, there are ferals from one end to the other. It makes me mad because through the years I have spent lots of time and money on them because I am a SUCKER. 

I spent several days sitting quietly outside reading with my ears and eyes open, trying to locate these other two kittens. It is really an ethical dilemma about snatching kittens. I never do it in front of the Momma because I am trying to gain her trust. This case is especially difficult because there are two kittens left, and I don't want to grab one and not be able to get the other and have it alone. Yes, Mom is still around, but the kittens play and sleep together. There is the risk that one will be taken by one of the many predators around-the skunk and coon like cat kibble too, and the day I found the kittens I was awakened by barred owls hunting in the back yard. So there may have been more than four kittens originally. 

Reading, I tore through "Seabiscuit". As a child I tore through all the books by Walter Farley=author of the Black Stallion, watched Secretariat win the Triple Crown, and rode hunt seat and showed at a local barn in Maryland. In 8th grade I wanted to be a jockey, until a boy I had a crush on in Science told me I was too big. Actually after reading Seabiscuit, I think I could have been a jockey but prob not on the ones with 105 assigned weight LOL. I don't think I would want to bury myself in a manure pile and drink epsom salts. Ugh.

I also came across a bunch of books by Janet Evanovich, "Stephanie Plum" novels. Sadly I only took three or four because I didn't want them to be bombs and end up with a dozen. Bad call. They are the funniest books I have read in ages. Some of them are so funny I am crying, get it under control, read another line, and start again. This isn't the whole book, of course, just select scenes with some very amusing characters and their lines. I was laughing so hard yesterday I had to put it down and go for a walk so I could continue reading.

Ah, it's fun to have something to laugh about these days. I remember one time in my life I was sitting with another pal of the aforementioned band (who later beacme their soundman), and I don't know what set us off that night, but we got laughing so hard and couldn't stop, and kept setting each other off. People started asking if we were tripping on acid, so we stepped outside for air and finally got a grip. I wish I could remember what was so funny that night, but if you share my sense of humor you may enjoy the Stephanie Plum novels as much as I do. 


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