Sunday, June 2, 2024



Each one of these blossoms is from a separate plant. I guess these started from a pack of seeds many years ago, and were dug up and moved several times before I settled here. I think at that point I may have bought another packet of seed, because I have several different types.

I have singles, doubles, and frilly triples. They come in all white, to shades of blue and shades of pink. I like the dark pink triple and a very dark blue in any form (I don't have it in single)

They got hit with screw fly a few years ago and I almost lost them. The fly has a little green worm stage that will completely strip the plant of foliage, weakening it. That happened one year before I knew what was happening (I actually wondered if deer were eating them) and it took several years for them to recover. 

The internet suggested sprinkling the plant with used coffee grounds, which I start doing as soon as foliage breaks in the spring. If I could just find out what works on leaf miners...I will go internet search that now.

Be well


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