Sunday, July 14, 2024

What I Saw

 Immediately after news broke about an alleged shooting at  rally in PA, comments on a Huff Po article were overwhelmingly from those who thought it was a fake.

I noticed the following of the coverage:

After slapping his ear and ducking, the former president had NO blood on his hand, which is obviously visible as he raises it on exit.

Head wounds bleed profusely, yet there does not appear to be any change in the blood on his head as he exits.

His head, the most vulnerable part, remains visible, in fact, completely facing the camera footage which was replayed over and over on CBS. The shortest SS, a woman, well below his head level, takes the protective position on the side facing the camera. Yet most news people were cowering under bleachers and had toppled equipment seeking cover.

Who gets shot in an active shooter situation and then yells, "fight", exposing their head and pumping their bloodless fist? And not touching their injury?

Ho about audio with that footage? Many witnesses said it didn't sound like gunshots, one an experienced shooter with a conceal carry permit who was present and interviewed by CBS.

And what's up with that MAGA hat? While hustling out the former pres, one SS is seen cluthing the hat, which apparently then drops. The evacuation pauses for another SS officer (covering the former pres) to bend down and pick it up.

The other injured were seen being removed from the top of the bleachers, no where near the former pres.

Immediately after Biden's TV appearance, Jr hits the news that he had spoken to his father and he was fine and then blamed "leftist extremists".

Biden immediately condemning violence and the former President yelling, "fight" bringing the crowd behind him to their feet, when they should be seeking cover.

I thought I was sick of hearing about "Biden should step aside"-and now it is going to be Former pres front page news AGAIN. 


And I just want to know, who uses getting shot in the head as a photo op and rally cry if they aren't completely nuts?

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