Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Jupiter and the Snow Moon

Want snow?

Be careful what you wish for.

A week ago we had a blizzard that dumped about 2 feet.  The Firebird and I scooped the 300 + foot drive twice for that one.  We all had a snow day.  The state was under a state of emergency.

I got to work the next day and the snow drifts against the doors were 8 feet high. Yes the outdoor kitty gets to shovel.

We had four inches or so before the blizzard we had to clear last Sunday.

Then Friday we had snow.  That was about a foot.  Then we had snow yesterday and last night, another foot.

The weather forecasters are telling we will get 2-6 inches tomorrow night.  We all cringe when they point at an area and say, ..."and the jackpot," will be....

My goats won't even come out of their goat complex.  I kept chucking massive amounts of hay in there and shoveling off the roofs. The Willow and I managed to get them out tonight for their grain.

They are just saying on the news that we have had about four feet of  snow in a week.

I spoke with the Boss today and he is heading back from Georgia in a few days.

I told him he will pass half the state of Maine heading south on his way north.  Even old timers have had enough.

BTW Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and I am not sure I like seeing it sit right next to the "Snow Moon"

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